Celebrating 150 Years
Bring Your Creative
Commemorative T- Shirt
"I was running" and wearing an amazing T-Shirt Design. Use your creative muscles to run a new design by us. We are looking for a T-Shirt Design submission to add to the 150 5K Event T-Shirts. Please see details below.
This Design will be added to a Town of Orange 150th Commemorative T-Shirt. Please be as creative as you can and utilize the phrase "Orange it Looks Good on You" We are looking to paint the Town "Orange" (Not Necessarily the Color). These shirts will be offered at the Event as well as in Local Stores Prior to the Event. Imagine walking around town seeing everyone wear your design... See Details Below.
Run T-Shirt
Download Templates and
Create your Design for Submission
Submit via Email tshirt@townoforangeva150.com
(Must be Submitted to by Sunday, May 1st, 11:59pm)
Its That Easy!!!
Design / Submission Details
Try to include “Orange It Looks Good on You” In your Design.
All submitted designs should be sized to fit a standard T-shirt. Please produce a two color design. Please use English-language characters for the file name and save your designs with common file extensions such as .pdf, png, jpg, or ai. Please scan all illustrations, paintings, and other non-digital submissions so they can be viewed in digital format. When submitting your designs, please include Name, Age, Email and Phone Number. Five Designs will be chosen by the Town Of Orange 150th selection committee and added to the website and social media for voting by the general public.
Fine Details
Designs can only be submitted through the website. Designs sent by mail, for example, will not be accepted. Participants can submit designs that cover the entire front and back surfaces of a T-shirt. However, design positioning may be altered by Orange 150 if necessary. Plagiarized submissions, designs that have been developed for other purposes, or designs that have been used in the past by other organizations or companies will not be accepted. Regardless of whether the designer has obtained licensing rights or not, it is prohibited to use representations which include, evoke, or imitate specific persons or intellectual properties which belong to other third parties, including but not limited to characters, brands, logos, images, illustrations, styles, compositions, and linguistic expressions. Artwork must be newly developed by the entrants exclusively for Orange 150, and must have not ever been published previously. Town of Orange 150 may withdraw prizes and/or terminate merchandising of t-shirts with winning artworks without prior notice to an entrant, irrespective of the originality of the artwork submitted by the entrant, if similar artwork is already publicly available from outside Town of Orange 150.
Main Street 1914
For More Information or to Volunteer Your Help or Support Please Email